Fenfushi, South Ari Atoll
Dive Club
Fenfushi is a small island located in the South Ari Atoll of the Maldives, renowned for its stunning natural beauty and its proximity to some of the best diving spots in the Maldives. This area is famous for its vibrant coral reefs, clear blue waters, and diverse marine life, making it a popular destination for scuba diving and snorkeling enthusiasts.
South Ari Atoll is one of the world’s top destinations for spotting whale sharks. These majestic creatures are often seen in the atoll’s waters, particularly around Fenfushi. Whale sharks are known for their gentle nature and slow swimming patterns, making it a popular site for both divers and snorkelers to encounter these magnificent creatures up close.
Fenfushi Island offers a perfect base for exploring the incredible diving opportunities in the South Ari Atoll, with the added thrill of encountering whale sharks in their natural habitat. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a snorkeler, Fenfushi’s underwater paradise promises unforgettable experiences.
contact us
Book Your Holiday With Our Team
H. Sunaaru,
Guleynooran Magu,
Malé, 20079,
+960 778 5165
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