English Name: Tiger Shark
Local Name: Femunu Miyaru
Size: Max. 7.4 m or more
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Distinctive Characters: Body large and fairly snout. Short, blunt snout. Foreparts stout, but hindparts more slender. Low keel on either side of caudal peduncle. Distinctive teeth. Upper labial furrows very long extending to front of eyes. Spiracle present.
Colour: Grey. Dark spots and stripes on sides, which fade with growth.
Habitat and Biology: Occurs in inshore, as well as offshore waters, near the surface and bottom. A voracious indiscriminate predator feeding on all kinds of fish, marine mammals, turtles, sea birds, sea snakes, cephalopods, molluscs and crustaceans, as well as carrion and garbage. Ovoviviparous; size of litter very large, 10 to 82. This species may mature at between 4 to 6 years old.
Distribution: Circumtropical.
Remarks: Galeocerdo cuvier is one of the most dangerous sharks. It can attack divers, swimmers and even boats if you interact with them without proper knowledge. Certainly the tiger shark has the worst reputation amongst tropical sharks.