• EnglishName: Philippine damselfish
  • Local Name : Dhon nigoo dhanbaa
  • Size : Common to 7 cm; max. 9 cm
  • Order : Perciformes
  • Distinctive Characters: Dorsal fin with 13 spines and 14-15 rays. Anal fin with 2 spines and 14-16 rays. Pectoral rays 18 or 19. Body depth 1.9-2.0 in standard length. Margins of preopercle and suborbital serrate; suborbital with a few scales. Teeth biserial.
  • Colour: Blackish with a bright orange-yellow caudal fin. A large black spot covering base of pectoral fin. Specimen from the Great Barrier Reef blackish with a pale streak on each scale.
  • Habitat and Biology: Inhabits passages and outer reef slopes in 1-12 m, usually around coral outcrops or in shadows of overhanging cliffs and ledges. Occurs solitary and in small groups.
  • Distribution: Maldives to Western Pacific.
  • Remarks: In the Maldives and Sri Lanka, Pomacentrus philippinus has a distinctive yellow tail. In other
    parts of its range the yellow is either much more widespread or completely lacking.
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