• English Name : Tiger shark
  • Local Name : Femunu miyaru
  • Size : Max. 7.4 m or more
  • Order : Carcharhiniformes
  • Distinctive Characters: Body large and fairly snout. Short, blunt snout. Foreparts stout, but hindparts more slender. Low keel on either side of caudal peduncle. - Distinctive teeth (see illustration). Upper labial furrows very long extending to front of eyes. Spiracle present.
  • Colour: Grey. Dark spots and stripes on sides, which fade with growth.
  • Habitat and Biology: Occurs in inshore, as well as offshore waters, near the surface and bottom. A voracious indiscriminate predator feeding on all kinds of fish, marine mammals, turtles, sea birds, sea snakes, cephalopods, molluscs and crustaceans, as well as carrion and garbage. Ovoviviparous; size of litter very large, 10 to 82. This species may mature at between 4 to 6 years old.
  • Distribution: Circumtropical.
  • Remarks: Galeocerdo cuvier is one of the most dangerous sharks. It attacks divers, swimmers and even
    boats. Certainly the tiger shark has the worst reputation as a man-eater amongst tropical sharks.
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